Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Here goes my latest...shall we say putting it mildly...adventure.....Daughter M.J. mentioned she was spinning dog hair for a young lady who had saved her dogs hair when she brushed her and her dog had passed away and she wanted the hair spun into yarn and she was looking for someone to knit it into a sweater.....I said do not look at me. A few months later daughter said the dog owner came to get the yarn and said she had picked up a business card from a table at the farmers was my card.....RH has a market table at the local markets selling our llama and alpaca products, I have yarn and a few knit items on the table. Daughter said the lady would be calling me and she hoped I would knit the sweater for her as daughter had asked everyone in the guild and no one would knit the sweater. The lady with the dog hair yarn called me and brought the yarn over....and a picture of the sweater she wanted pattern...just a picture of a cowichan had six different patterns in it.....I said you only have one color of yarn here...she said she wanted the pattern in the sweater to be turquoise...we would have to find some other yarn....It was just before Christmas so I said I can not even think about this until after Christmas, I had other items on order to knit plus getting ready for Christmas.I had spun a bit of dog hair into yarn for my niece at one time and I had carded the dog hair with some merino and alpaca fibre before I spun it, daughter had not carded the dog hair or mixed it with anything she just took clumps of dog hair out of the bag and spun it onto a stand of wool yarn....I think it was wool, it was thick and thin. The dog hair had been put through a rinse with a fabric softener....with a strong perfume smell....I have so many allergies and even having the yarn in the house was bothering me so I had to wash the yarn, phoned daughter and asked how she had washed the yarn as I had to wash the yarn to get rid of the smell of the softener, daughter said she had not washed the yarn after she spun it she just steamed it....O.K....I washed one skein...hoping it would not fall did not fall apart (thank-goodness) it actually felted it a bit which was a good thing, so washed the rest of the yarn and tucked it away. Now it is January and I have to deal with this sweater knitting. I charted two of the patterns from looking at the picture of the sweater, mentioned to dog yarn owner who is very small that I thought she would only want two patterns on the sweater as there was no room to put that many patterns on the sweater. I knit a swatch to get an idea on how many stitches per inch I would get so we match up some yarn as we needed a color for the pattern and a background color for the pattern and there was no way I could find the color turquoise in any yarn so sent Dog owner to look in a yarn store to see what color she wanted plus gave her the info on stitches per inch we needed, via pictures on iPhones we decided the colors to add to the dog yarn. So the swatching of patterns begin.

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