Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Snow Day Today

We woke up this morning to snow on the ground again, everything white, but it was quiet snow, just slowly coming down and now the sun is trying to come out. Wonder what Mr (Mrs) Gopher is doing? I could not believe it... the other day I looked out the window and here was this fat gopher sitting their munching on some dried grass....does that mean spring is just around the corner?? do not know what he is eating....and no....I am not going to feed him. I better get my plans going on how I am going to protect my garden this spring...is a challenge every year....and I am determined to win.
The ceramic tiling is ongoing, is interesting trying to put down floor tile in a room full of stuff, it is a matter of tiling a space and when it is finished move stuff onto the finished tile and tile another spot...and on you go. My allergies from the dust etc are getting to me so am living on antihistamines so am not too sharp these days....the good thing sharp or not I can still knit, thank-goodness.
The llama and sheep hats were delivered and were a big hit and I have orders for more when I want to make them, I said let me have a bit of a break and I will get at them, so am having a sock knitting time until I get tired of them and then will do some more hats. Our Llama association is thinking of knitting scarves out of llama yarn to sell at the convention this fall so I whipped up a scarf to gauge about how much yarn it would take, I have been knitting a bit on the feather and fan scarf I started last year out of the very fine llama yarn, it is like knitting with sewing thread so is not fast and then found a ball of yarn so I can finish the childs sweater and I did a bit of spinning, I had carded up some llama with a bit of merino wool last year and it has been sitting there being admired, thought it was time I made it into something. Have got half of it spun and working on the next bobbin, it is soo soft. When I started gathering up all the projects I had sitting here and there around the house it was a bit scary, and that is not even thinking about ufo's sitting in drawers and closets. The good news is they are going to start processing the llama and alpaca fibre I sent to the mill a year ago, I had not heard from them so e-mailed to see where I was on the list, I have forgot what exactly I sent to be processed. Now the decision...should I get then to just wash and put it through the dehairer and then I can card it with what I want or should I get it processed into roving or yarn??
Well off to knit on a sock or vacuum.....hmmmm....big decision. For some reason the picture I was going to add is lost in the computer......off to recover it!!

1 comment:

Val said...

A Gopher! that a real "early bird". Haven't seen one yet!