Sunday, February 8, 2009

Where does the time go?

The weather has been warmer so am in muddy paw weather, after seeing all these videos on how smart Jack Russels are I said to Maxx if all those dogs can do what they do you can learn to wipe your own paws when you come in...and he is working at it but when it is mud I have to help out as sometimes it is legs and tummy too. It is nice to be able to open the windows for a while, have to watch the wind as when we get warm weather we also get the wind, left a message for our roof guy that some more shingles need replacing, windfence helps if that is the direction the wind is from but if it comes a different direction it is no help. Trying to think of what I have been doing....went to shop for groc. the first of the week and came home with an order for some wool yarn and she wanted royal blue so had to get the dye pots out, now she wanted five skeins which is a little crowded for the pots I have and have been wanting a larger one, so phoned the local hardware and I could not believe they had a large canning pot!!...I thought they only came in one size, it is exactly what I wanted, it is so large I have to put it on the stove before I put water in it and I have to remove the yarn and bail the water out as there is no way you could lift it, it does not even have handles to lift it, they probably thought if they put them on someone would try to lift it and hurt themselves. I have to find a rack to put in it to use it for a steamer, I can steam a lot of yarn at once in that pot. So have the yarn all dyed and ready to deliver, should dye some more while everything is sitting here. Finished the blue scarf with the multi-colors and made a hat to match and have started on the lighter blue one. Also finished an acrylic scarf out of a soft boucle'.
I managed to keep the poinsettia alive from last year, first time that has happened and I could not believe it the other day when I found that it was starting to bloom, now it's bloom is pretty pitiful compared to when I got it but I am so excited it has tried to bloom...I think that is a miracle.
Posting a picture of Grey would not believe there is a heat vent under her....that is how she keeps warm....silly cat!! Well off to knit a bit before bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sitting on the heat vent - id say thats a smart kitty ;) youve been so busy, and that pot sounds ginormous :) just what i need too a really huge dyeing pot!