Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Going Crazy with Dealing with the Weather and Computers and the loss of Brain Cells!!

Almost crazy dealing with our weather....look at my poor tomato plants! They have out grown the lights but it has been so cold, have been moving them out during the day this week...last week was cold and drizzly....have to put them in my patio greenhouse as the winds keep blowing....should be thinking of getting them planted in the greenhouse but every night is a chance of frost as temperatures are near zero every night.
And here are the peppers...they need heat to grow...and it has been too cold! Are we ever going to get warm enough weather to get things growing! too stressful. of course there are things growing...weeds are growing!! So that is what is going on, weeding the flowerbeds. My poor lilies, what a job finding them in the grass and other weeds, took ages and an aching back but have finally got them cleaned out. We usually do not have such a weed problem in the flowerbeds but last year we did not put enough bark mulch down so weed seeds blew in. Today RH spent the day hauling in bark mulch and putting it around the plants now we have the weeds cleaned out. Now to get the garden planted....thought I would get most of it planted today as beds are worked and could do...had wild wind all day...can not plant seeds when the wind blows like that. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!! Then of course computer problems....I left my laptop open on the dining room of the cats must have walked on the keys and the powers that be thought someone was hacking the they shut it down for hours. Note to self...always close the computer up when leaving it!!! Then our printer died so RH bought a new one when he went to town and I got it hooked up to the lap top he uses and the old computer and was so relieved when everything was working and we could print things again.....then the next day...could not get into the laptop...RH could not get into his iPad and he could not read his the world was coming to an end at our house!! Funny thing was when he said what book he was reading...I said just a minute...I think I have that book on the book shelf (now can you imagine that ever happening??) there it was so gave it to him and he found his place where he was reading and his world was o.k. for a bit, then off I was trying to figure out what was going on, thank-goodness I had not hooked my Mac laptop up to the new printer....I thought the hooking the printer up had caused the problems...passwords were not working. Could not get anything to work except my iPad and my computer. Did not want to send an S.O.S. to grandson as it was Sunday, so Monday morning I sent him a help! help! your poor Grandmother message and he came back not really knowing what the problem was so off I went at my day trying to think of things it could be....then I thought of the caps lock key...maybe it was on...but no it wasn't on.... I punched it on and off a few times...and here the screen came up and it took my password, then I went online...and I could get on the library website...maybe it wasn't the printer that was the might have been our internet provider having problems!! Now how many brain cells did I burn off trying to get things working. Could not get RH's iPad working but it is an old iPad and he does not need an iPad as all he does is read ebooks on it and I have wiped it off and re programed it for him I do not know how many times, so told him it was toast and we would get him a reader for his books...and that is my story and I am sticking to not want to deal with it anymore! Did get a few more fingerless mitts knit, spun another bobbin of the alpaca/wool/silk so I can get that plied up tomorrow. And I started knitting a pair of heavy slipper socks, almost have one finished and knit a few more rows on the multicoloured scarf and trying hard to keep my sanity!! Now a happy note....some more of my rockery plants are blooming and here are is of my favourites!
And here is another exciting thing!! My yellow Begonia survived over the winter and here she is growing!!
Every spring I wait hoping she survived...and here she is for another year! Tomorrow is another day...and hopefully it will be warm with no wind....if anyone needs me....I will be in my padded room...trying to grow more brain cells.....

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