Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Better Hat Picture

The picture I took of the hats was not great, sun is shining so took them outside and took another picture, now they look happier. I think I will sit in a sunbeam with the cats for a minute.......who knows when it will be back.


Anonymous said...

I love the hat!

Crazy Lady with purple fingers said...

Thank-you, Thanks for checking out my blog.

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute hats! Thanks for the comment on our pygora blog...what do you make with your Pygora fiber??

Crazy Lady with purple fingers said...

Thank-you, it was great to find someone that also had Pygoras.We have a terrible time with them blowing their fibre before we get them sheared in the spring. We only sheared once a year but this year we sheared them in the fall and it looks like the fibre grew back great, so maybe shearing twice a year is the answer.