Sunday, September 4, 2016

Spinning and Knitting!!

It has been a while since I have spun on my spinning wheel because of back and hip problems but had processed a rose/grey alpaca fleece and had bags of roving on sale on our market table but no one interested in grey, love the rose grey and it is hard to find, I had bought it off a friend...wish I had the animal, decided I would try to spin it myself and would limit myself to only spinning for about thirty minutes at a time. So that is what I have done and it is working out. I thought I would spin a 100grm skein for display but love!! spinning this fleece and have gotten carried away and it will be a 200grm skein, it is so soft and spinning so easy. So far I have one bobbin full and am working on another one.
Have been knitting wrist warmers for the market table but after the last few colder days RH said last Sat. guys were looking at wrist warmers for themselves, so better go have a look at my yarn stash and find something that would work for guys, it has to be sturdier than what I have been using.
This rose just keeps bouncing back after every wind/rain storm we have had, I just finished cutting off all her damaged flowers from the last storm and here she is full of flowers again!!


The socklady said...

love the rose gray, one of my favourite colours to spin.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That rose gray is spectacular!

Claire MW said...

Was going to comment on your latest post but there doesn't seem to be a comment button...wondering if you can fix that with your new Blogo app?! Great spinning! Cute snowman decoration! Hope you can get posting again with the new app!