Sunday, June 29, 2014

Baby Alpaca Arrived in a Rain Storm!

We have had our share of rain lately. here is what happened yesterday late afternoon while we were having a rain storm with thunder and lightening. Could not believe our eyes when we went out to do the chores when the rain storm passed was baby sitting there all wet! Her mother Venus has always had her babies early in the morning so when afternoon arrived with no baby, we did not think she would have it that day. Well surprise! surprise! So glad it was a girl as Venus is getting on in years, we do not know how old she is as she was in the small herd we were given a few years ago, she has some llama in her as she is a large alpaca. With Venus having a girl we do not need to wean her from her Mom and they can stay together forever, Venus has a very large utter with lots of milk. I took one look at baby and named her Summer Rain. We got baby dried off and got them bedded down in the barn for the night. Here they were this morning, Summer Rain all dry and fluffy ready to take on the world, enjoying the sunshine with her mother! Now this afternoon we had another thunder storm roll in and just as we were going to go out and get them in the barn we seen Venus head for the barn with baby right beside her and they tucked themselves in. Now we just have Belle who is Venus's girl from a few years ago, we think she is going to have a cria...but when who knows, it will be her first baby so is hard to tell.

1 comment:

Val said...

What a beautiful little girl!